When you use our website to browse our pages and products, a number of cookies are used by us and by third parties to allow the website to function, to collect useful information about visitors and to help to make your user experience better.

Some of the cookies we use are strictly necessary for our website to function, and we don’t ask for your consent to place these on your computer. These cookies are shown below.


Cookie Name Purpose Further Information
Prestashop Login To keep you logged in when signing in to our delivery pages Your email address is encrypted to ensure you stay logged in to the correct account
Prestashop Cart To make sure items added to your cart don’t get lost


The below cookies are used for statistics and analysis purposes. Your data is anonymised.

Cookie Name Purpose Further Information
Google Analytics Behaviour, page tracking and e-commerce tracking Allows GAIL’s to understand which content is popular with visitors. The legal basis is
Hotjar User experience tracking Personal data is never shared and IP address is anonymised


As well as the cookies we use, various third parties also place them on your computer, again with your consent. These are shown below.

Cookie Name Purpose Further Information
Facebook Allows us to advertise on Facebook Facebook control the marketing information and how they display it to you. You can opt-out in the Facebook “preference center”
LinkedIn Allows us to advertise on LinkedIn LinkedIn control the marketing information and how they display it to you. You can opt-out in your LinkedIn profile.


You can remove cookies from your browser at any time by following the below instructions for common browsers:

Chome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647
Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/ph21411
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/delete-cookies-remove-info-websites-stored